Benedict’s reagentClick to see full answer. Similarly one may ask, how do you test for reducing sugars? Benedict’s test for reducing sugars Place two spatulas of the food sample into a test tube or 1 cm 3 if the sample is liquid. Add an equal volume of Benedict’s solution and mix. Place the tube in a water bath at about 95°C for a few minutes. Record the colour of the solution. Subsequently, question is, what reagent is used to test for starch? iodine In this manner, what is Benedict’s solution used to test for? Benedict’s Test is used to test for simple carbohydrates. The Benedict’s test identifies reducing sugars (monosaccharide’s and some disaccharides), which have free ketone or aldehyde functional groups. Benedict’s solution can be used to test for the presence of glucose in urine.What is Benedict’s reagent composed of? Composition and Preparation of Benedict’s reagent One litre of Benedict’s Solution can be prepared from 100 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate, 173 g of sodium citrate and 17.3 g of copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate. Quality Checking : Benedict’s solution is blue in color.