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The Seaside Hollow (Japanese: 海辺の小穴 Seaside Hollow) is a small cave located in the northern region of the Cobalt Coastlands of Hisui. It is accessible through an opening on the northern cliffside of Veilstone Cape, which is to the west of the Tidal Passage. Ride Basculegion is required to reach it.
The hollow plays a role in Request 66: "The Sea's Legend", where the Mythical sea guardians Manaphy and Phione can be encountered.
The Seaside Hollow is a large, circular cavern within a cliff. It is completely barren on the inside. The rocky walls and ceiling give off a mild blue hue.
Special encounters

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Manaphy can be caught during Request 66: "The Sea's Legend", if the player puts a Mantyke, a Buizel, and an Overqwil in their party and rides through the two stone pillars of Sand's Reach in the evening. The event can only be triggered after completing Mission 10: "The Lordless Island". It is coded to never be Shiny.
Three Phione also appear during Request 66: "The Sea's Legend". After the request has been completed, there is a small chance for additional Phione to spawn here, though these, like the Phione in the request, cannot be Shiny or alpha.
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