Jan Mickelson Obituary, Death Cause – It has been brought to my attention that Jan Mickelson has passed away. Jan Mickelson was the previous host of the 9-11 hour in Iowa and was widely regarded as the “Godfather” of talk radio in that state. He hosted that hour before I did. The 9-11 hour was initiated by Jan Mickelson, who was also the person responsible for its creation. Mickelson was the one in charge of the show before I took over the presenting duties for the 9-11 hour. I am responsible for the hour between 9 and 11.
One of the key things that brought satisfaction and happiness to Jan throughout his life was his capacity to amuse, enlighten, and educate other people. Because of this, he was filled with an intense feeling of happiness. He had nothing but love and compassion for each and every one of his followers and fans. He was overwhelmed by their loyalty to him. He had no choice but to go through life feeling the way he did. The people from all parts of the world that he was able to urge and inspire to work toward accomplishing their objectives will be the most significant aspect of his legacy.
The following is a passage that was taken from the statement that his family had first written to us and then forwarded to us: “Jan has returned to his home to be with the Lord. They are appreciative of all the kind words, support, and encouragement that they have received, and they do so in a manner that is unique to them. Our close friends and members of our extended family are grateful to everyone who has helped them out in any way. Over the past few days, the prayers that you have said and the acts of kindness that you have performed for us have been a source of strength for us. We are grateful to each and every one of you. We are overwhelmed by our gratitude.