Tom Cruise has earned too many acting awards to count. But as fans point out, he has yet to win an Oscar -- and he may never do so. Why not? Fans think he's just plain given up on any attempt at earning one.
Was Tom Cruise Trying To Win An Oscar?
Among Tom Cruise's long list of accomplishments are countless films of all genres. But fans say that in recent years, he's moved away from working on "prestige drama films" and focuses on action instead.
And that change, they say, means he's likely given up on trying to earn an Oscar. But was he aiming for one in the first place?
It was around 2006 that Tom's resume changed from very diverse to mostly action. Admittedly, he's made tons of cash with the 'Mission Impossible' franchise, but none of that hard work is earning him a highly sought-after Oscar statue.
The thing is, fans think Tom, in his younger years, wanted to to aim for an Oscar. It's pure speculation, but they think the younger Tom would've wanted the prestige of such an award. But things have changed.
Why Did Tom Cruise Stop Trying To Win An Oscar?
Fans have a few different theories as to why Tom stopped chasing prestige films and potential Oscar nominations. One commenter noted that maybe he just enjoys action films.
Several other commenters concur; they say Tom has an "insane bucket list" and that action films let him indulge in that adrenaline-seeking behavior. At the same time, certain films have made Tom a ton of cash -- and it's not usually the tame, dramatic films that hit the spot. Big action means big paychecks, so some fans speculate that's why Tom keeps forging on.
Action films have also cemented Tom's celebrity status (he even took advantage of his status to meet another celeb that he's a huge fan of). His tendency to push stunts even farther than anyone else deems reasonable may also be appealing -- and encourage higher cash flow.
Will Tom Cruise Ever Return To Dramas?
Alright, so he's an adrenaline junky who's found the perfect outlet for his crazy stunts. But will Tom Cruise ever return to dramas, for a potential shot at an Oscar? Maybe.
One fan pointed out that Tom can't keep up the action film pace forever. And that means "we will get old aged prestige drama era Cruise once he can't do these movies anymore." Maybe that's not such a bad thing though, since with age comes more wisdom (right?) and possibly dramatic acting chops.